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Bougth this game but regret. I dont understand the rules. Instrucion in game is unclear. Dont get the order of changing animals. And the movement of animal at lower part and empty fields. Is there any instruction?

Sorry to hear that.  There's no instructions in english, but I can give a brief summary to hopefully help you enjoy the game more.  You can draw a line on the grid by pressing A and using the d-pad.  The line can only connect to tiles of the same type, and can turn, but can't loop over itself.  Press A again to remove the line of tiles. If you're targeting an animal tile, that animal takes 1 damage for each tile removed, minus one.  Removing tiles also causes the animals to attack, and you take one damage.  Empty tiles don't deal any damage, but can be removed if they're in your way.  Each animal has 6 HP, and dealing enough damage to kill it gives you a point, turns all its remaining tiles to empty tiles, and heals you two HP.  It's then replaced by a new animal at full HP.  The goal is to survive as long as possible.
I hope that helps you enjoy Pahtkest!

Thx. I will try again. Please add this instruction here and playdare store. It will be helpful and gain fun factor:)  btw love game gfx styl

Thank you!

Does the game itself have English text as well, or is it just German? (sorry, not sure what language that is).

Pahtkest has no english text- the language is a constructed language unique to this game.  It should be translatable if that's something that interests you, but it's not necessary to understand the language to play the game.  In fact, my goal is that not understanding the language makes it a bit more charming and unique!

Well, now we know that I don't know German :)  Anyway, sounds good to me.  I just bought it and sideloaded it to my device.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!

Does gold == points or is it used to purchase upgrades or something? Thanks!


Gold is just an indication of points